How to create freebie funnel

How to Setup Freebie Funnel Step by Step?

Nov 27, 2023

In this beginner's guide, you will learn how to create a freebie funnel step-by-step to grow your email list effectively. Setting up a freebie funnel is important to capture the leads and scale your business reach. Learn how to engage your visitors and build powerful connections through targeted content and strategic opt-in forms.

A freebie funnel consists of 2 pages and is used to give something away for free in exchange for contact information such as an email address. On page one (the opt-in page), you engage your visitors with an attention-grabbing headline and ask them to fill out an opt-in form.

When they submit, they are redirected to page number two, the thank you page. When you deliver what you promised on the Thank You page, you then have the option to send them to another funnel.

The sole goal of Freebie Funnels is to have your visitors give you their email addresses.

Setting Up a Freebie Sales Funnel Step-by-Step


Step 1. Create the Opt-in Page

  • Design a page with an attention-grabbing & eye-catching headline.

  • Include an opt-in form to collect contact information, such as email address, and contact number.

  • Ensure the page is distraction-free to maximize the opt-in rate.

Step 2. Engage Your Visitors

  • Use compelling content and visuals to engage visitors.

  • Clearly explain what they will get in exchange for their contact details.

Step 3. Redirect to the Thank You Page

  • Once the visitor submits the form, redirect them to the thank you page.
  • Thank them for their interest and confirm their opt-in.

Step 4. Deliver the Freebie

  • Provide the promised freebie on the thank you page.
  • Ensure easy access to the freebie to maintain trust and satisfaction.

Step 5. Offer Additional Funnels

  • After delivering the freebie, guide visitors to another funnel or offer.
  • This can help further engage them and potentially lead to sales.

Step 6. Optimize for Conversion

  • Continuously test and refine your headlines, visuals, and opt-in form.
  • Aim to increase the opt-in rate by minimizing distractions and enhancing appeal.


The goal of a Freebie Sales Funnel is to collect visitor's contact information such as email addresses by offering something valuable for free. So Keep the process simple and focused to maximize its effectiveness.

If you are still having trouble creating your Freebie Sales Funnel, Let's have a strategic call!



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